Microwave is an electromagnetic energy that moves at the speed of light.
The magnetron present in the microwave oven actually produces the wave energy, the purpose of which is to bombard the food molecules and also it makes the polarized molecules to emit at the same particular frequency nearly millions of the times in almost every second. This process basically heats up the food which becomes a big cause pf causes structural damage to the molecules of the food.
A study organized by the food scientist and a biologist Dr. Hans Hertel declared the harmful and dangerous effects of the microwaved food. An experiment was performed in which eight people were given raw foods that is cooked and microwaved foods for eight straight days. After every meal their blood samples were taken ans tested. And those testes showed that microwaved food is a cause of notable changes in the blood chemistry. After performing that experiment and getting the results he then stated that “There are no cells, atoms and molecules of any of the organic system which are able to resist such a destructive and violent power for any expanded phase of time, not even in the little energy scale of milliwatts. That is exactly how cooking heat in microwave is generated
According to some study that was conducted at Stanford University declared the dangerous effects of microwaving the breast milk. The main head scientist declared that microwaving the milk of human can be a cause of fully destroying its major sickness fighting capabilities.They also declared that apart from heating, there were also so many other troubling alterations in that milk.
Moreover in the year 1976 these microwaves were banned because of their harmful and negative effect on the human health and fitness.
Here we have a list of some harmful and negative aspects of microwaved foods:
Eating microwaved food is a cause of permanent damage of brain because it reduces the electrical impulses that are present in your brain.
It also effects the brain in some other ways like emotionally instability, decrease in the knowledge and also memory loss issues.
The long time or regular eating of microwaved foods is a big cause of increasing the cancerous cells in the human blood
Using this microwaved food also causes intestinal cancerous and stomach (tumors) growths. From this you may understand the reason behind quick increased scale of colon cancer in America.
The vitamins, nutrients and minerals are also altered and reduced because of microwaving the food.
The eating of microwaved foods on regular or daily basis are a big cause of producing cancerous cells in your blood.
Continual usage of microwaved foods are also a cause of deficiencies of immune system through serum alterations and lymph gland.
Microwaving cereal grains and milk convert many of their amino acids into the carcinogens.
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