Swelling of the ankles, feet and legs is commonly the early or the first symptom of poor blood circulation or venous insufficiency.
Now this condition is a type of condition when the blood insufficiently passes up the veins from the feet and legs up to the heart.
Usually the veins in the body keep the flowing of the blood up and in direction of the heart through a “one-way valve”.
Anyhow when those valves become weak and stop working in a proper way, the blood then goes back towards the bottom of the vessels and permits the fluid to pool in the lower limbs of yours, specially the feet and the ankles.
Behind the development of a swollen feet, there are so many number of causes, some of those causes are listed below:
-More than necessary weight of the body
-Having food that is highly salted
-Menstrual Cycle
-Prolonged standing and sitting also.
Anyhow, there are also some remedies that can help you in staying safe from leg swelling. Here are some cures:
-While you lay down try to raise the legs above the heart
-Do the exercises of leg.
-Use less amount of salt in your food.
-Try to avoid wearing tight clothes over the thighs
-Drink the Parsley tea
Yes, Parsley tea, that is very much effective for swollen legs because those herb carries so many nutrients. Also, parsley has this healing property, it will let you to urinate regularly and it will reduce or remove the fluids that have gathered in your legs.
Here is the method for preparing this simple and effective tea:
Ingredients required:
-Fresh parsley leaves and roots.
-Boiled water.
Preparation method:
Chop the roots and leaves finely and mix it together
Take 5 teaspoons of your mixed parsley roots and leaves and bring it to a boil in half a liter of water for 5 min
Let it stand for 20 min. afterwards to cool it down
Strain the boiled parsley parts to separate the parsley parts from the tea
Optional: You can also squeeze a slice of lemon for a tangy taste.
You can now drink your home made parsley tea. It is recommended that you drink this tea three times a day to achieve greater therapeutic effects.
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